Supporting Medical and Emergency Response Industries


From accidents at home to road traffic collisions (RTCs), Emergency Medical Services (EMS) are faced with potentially life-threatening situations on a daily basis.

Immersive Environments

To truly trust your training and knowledge, you need the most realistic experiences possible. At 6:8 Medical Solutions Sales & Service, our incredibly lifelike manikins help create immersive training environments which mirror real situations. Our SIMBODIES Manikins and Pro Manikins feature enhanced clinical capabilities, including:

  • Mouth, teeth, and jaw for airway management
  • Fully flexible steel frames so manikins can be placed in a supported sitting position
  • Front toughened flexible rib cage – BLS
  • Nostrils for Nasogastric Tubes
  • IO access for bilateral humeral head and tibia
  • Needle decompression: 2nd Intercostal Space at the Midclavicular Line (Front) 5th Intercostal Space at the Anterior Axillary line

We can also apply almost any internal or external injury to baby, child, or adult SIMBODIES Manikins or actors. Our Manikin's outer skin is produced from skin-safe silicones with a foam interior, generating the look and feel of a genuine patient. This is why EMS across the world rely on SIMBODIES to simulate a genuine patient or casualty as accurately as possible.

Building Responders’ Confidence

Confidence is a key tool when responding to an incident. The confidence to apply training in a stressful situation ensures a medical emergency is dealt with as safely and as efficiently as possible. At 6:8 Medical Solutions Sales & Service, we believe nothing makes these training scenarios more realistic than our SIMBODIES simulation equipment.


Remote environments, extreme temperatures, hostile territory – just some of the challenges military units encounter when on deployment.

A patient needing urgent medical attention adds an extra dimension to these extreme situations, meaning realistic and innovative simulation training is essential.

Creating Immersive Environments

This is where SIMBODIES steps in. Setting the highest standards of innovation, simulation technology is now critical to successful medical training for military units worldwide. With a lack of ‘live’ patients available and large numbers of personnel needing specialized training, SIMBODIES enable trainers to teach high-risk medical procedures to students in low-risk environments. Our incredibly lifelike Manikins create the most immersive training experiences possible to accurately mirror real situations. Our SIMBODIES Manikins and Pro Manikins feature enhanced clinical capabilities, including:

  • Mouth, teeth, and jaw for airway management
  • Fully flexible steel frames so manikins can be placed in a supported sitting position
  • Front toughened flexible rib cage – BLS
  • Nostrils for Nasogastric Tubes
  • IO access for bilateral humeral head and tibia
  • Needle decompression: 2nd Intercostal Space at the Midclavicular Line (Front) 5th Intercostal Space at the Anterior Axillary line

Building Medical Confidence

It’s impossible to overstate the importance of an immersive training experience when responding to medical emergencies. It helps build medical confidence, critical when you need to apply your training and knowledge under severe pressure. Nothing works better in allowing you to practice this learnt knowledge in one of the most realistic settings possible.


Police Forces across the globe are often on the frontline within communities. They are one of the first to respond to incidents and can be required to deliver essential basic life support.

There may be a limited window of opportunity to ensure positive patient outcomes before a medical professional arrives on the scene; realistic training can make a huge difference in the outcome of patients’ well-being.

Pioneers in medical simulation technology

SIMBODIES have pioneered new medical simulation technology that has revolutionised the training profession. Our SIMBODIES Manikins feature realistic wounds and injuries, delivering truly immersive training scenarios. With large numbers of police officers requiring medical training, SIMBODIES has helped educators take their training to the next level. Our SIMBODIES Manikins and Pro Manikins feature enhanced clinical capabilities including:

  • Mouth, teeth, and jaw for airway management
  • Fully flexible steel frames so manikins can be placed in a supported sitting position
  • Front toughened flexible rib cage – BLS
  • Nostrils for Nasogastric Tubes
  • IO access for bilateral humeral head and tibia
  • Needle decompression: 2nd Intercostal Space at the Midclavicular Line (Front) 5th Intercostal Space at the Anterior Axillary line

Building Medical Confidence

It’s impossible to overstate the importance of an immersive training experience when responding to medical emergencies. It helps build medical confidence, critical when you need to apply your training and knowledge under severe pressure. Nothing works better in allowing you to practice this learnt knowledge in one of the most realistic settings possible.

Crime Scene Forensics

Crime Scene Forensics teams globally are required to practice skills of precision and accuracy when examining any crime scene. Learning and developing these skills requires a realistic, simulated training environment for investigators to put these skills into practice.

SIMBODIES Manikins and Lifeless Manikins act as lifelike patients and deceased bodies, allowing forensic teams to apply themselves in a situation as close to a genuine and accurate crime scene as possible.

Pioneers in Medical Simulation Technology

SIMBODIES have pioneered new medical simulation technology that has revolutionized the training profession. Our SIMBODIES manikins feature realistic wounds and injuries, delivering truly immersive training scenarios. Our SIMBODIES Lifeless Manikins allow trainers to replicate the state and appearance of either a deceased burned or blasted body, with unrecoverable injuries and can be used for body identification purposes and autopsy training.

Building Medical Confidence

It’s impossible to overstate the importance of an immersive training experience when developing the essential skills used in Crime Scene Investigation. It helps build confidence, which is critical when applying your training and knowledge in varying different settings. Nothing works better in allowing you to practice this learnt knowledge in one of the most realistic settings possible.

Acute Care

One of the biggest challenges facing acute care professionals is applying their training when it’s needed most. From emergency care to rehabilitation, managing a patient back to health can incur many complications, and situations can change very quickly, creating anxiety and stress.

Acute care practitioners must trust their training to perform their role effectively. Immersive environments and realistic scenarios are a must.

An Immersive Training Experience

SIMBODIES have pioneered the latest simulation technology that helps acute care practitioners experience truly immersive training scenarios. From our SIMBODIES Manikins and Pro Manikins, which are full-bodied manikins that allow for practice of clinical procedures, to our Simulation Wounds and Sleeves, which allow actors to apply realistic injuries such as blisters and burns, allowing trainees to gain experience of clinical procedures in immersive training environments means they are much better equipped to apply learnt skills to genuine patients.

Building Medical Confidence

Immersive training experiences are incredibly important for acute care practitioners when responding to medical emergencies. It helps build confidence, which is critical when applying knowledge and training under severe pressure. Nothing works better in allowing you to practice this learnt knowledge in one of the most realistic settings possible.

Medical Educators

It is the role of our medical trainers to prepare their students for real-life health emergencies. To do this effectively, it is imperative that all training experiences are as lifelike as possible.

However, that can be difficult without treating a genuine human patient. Simulation devices have therefore become a mainstay in the medical trainer’s toolkit and have evolved rapidly in recent years to become more lifelike than ever before.

An immersive training experience

SIMBODIES have pioneered the latest simulation technology that helps medical educators deliver truly immersive training experiences. Our SIMBODIES Manikins and Pro Manikins look as lifelike as possible, creating the illusion of real traumatic injuries and adding real-world value to the medical training experience. Having inexperienced users gain experience of clinical procedures in an immersive training environment means they are more equipped to apply learnt skills to genuine patients in the future. Our SIMBODIES Manikins feature enhanced clinical capabilities including:

  • Mouth, teeth, and jaw for airway management
  • Fully flexible steel frames so manikins can be placed in a supported sitting position
  • Front toughened flexible rib cage – BLS
  • Nostrils for Nasogastric Tubes
  • IO access for bilateral humeral head and tibia
  • Needle decompression: 2nd Intercostal Space at the Midclavicular Line (Front) 5th Intercostal Space at the Anterior Axillary line

Building Medical Confidence

It’s impossible to overstate the importance of an immersive training experience when responding to medical emergencies. It helps build medical confidence, which is critical when you need to apply your training under serious pressure. Nothing works better in allowing you to practice this learnt knowledge in one of the most realistic settings possible.